Willkommen Sie meinen Blog

Welcome to my Blog, I'm glad you stopped by. I thought a little introduction was in order after I reviewed some Blogs of others and didn't have a clue what it was their Blog was about even after reading the last several posts. Not that it matters, if you like what I write, read on, if not, no harm no foul.

I began writing again after one of my grad classes last summer inspired me to do so. It was a class on the world famous author, Stephen King and it was incredible. In 2011 I received my Master of Arts in Liberal Studies degree from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. My undergraduate degree is also from UNCW in Sociology with a minor in Gerontology which I obtained in 2005.

A lot has changed since I began writing this Blog in 2010. I am rediscovering who it is that I am and what makes me happy. Feel free to read through from the beginning and see where I have come from and continue to follow along as I begin a new chapter in my life, one that proves to be interesting and filled with exciting challenges that I can't wait to share with the World. So for now, "Das ist Leben"...this is life!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Goodbye 20's, Hello 30!

Could I have imagined in my wildest dreams that I would be "here" on my thirtieth birthday? Where is "here," you ask? Well, I'll tell you. "Here" is happy, surrounded by friends and family, without a husband, without a job, but not without purpose, dreams, or desires. "Here" is different from where I was a year ago, and the same will be true a year from now. "Here" is fixed, but still in need of repair. It's not whole, but full of the pieces that matter. Making my own choices, following my heart, getting to know who I am, and making memories to last a lifetime. "Here" is the true, real me, the one who is in search of my personal legend and enjoying the journey along the way.

Phrases I contemplate on a regular basis, thanks to the amazing people in my life:
  • Let your light shine- Laura
  • Everything eventually ends (Alles hat ein Ende nur die Wurst hat zwei)- Jerey
  • Happiness is a state of mind -Charlie
  • Just keep going (living, running, dancing, laughing, etc.)- Ena
  • Be on time for plans with friends- Shari
  • Beer can make blue skies out of gray- Lisa
  • God has a plan- Mom
  • Everything happens for a reason- Kristen
  • Young love is intoxicating- Ryan & McKenzie :)
  • Don't sweat the small stuff- Dad

Fist pumping through life

If I could talk to my 20 year old self, what would I say? 
  • Study for the GRE and start your Masters program in social work while you're still in college mode.
  • Eat healthy now!
  • Don't date Marines :)
  • Pray daily
  • Save money for the future
  • On December 14th 2007, don't take Western Blvd (to prevent the car accident that destroyed my back)
  • Take as many vacations as you can
  • Spend more time with your family
  • Get a puppy

If I really could change my past, there are actually few things I would change. I learned so much from the good times and the bad. I think we have to hurt in order to grow and learn from our mistakes so we can appreciate the great times in life. God does have a plan and it may not always seem clear, but have faith and I believe things will fall into place some day. 

Thank you to all of you who continue to be there for me as I enter this new decade. It's gonna be one hell of a ride!


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